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Aug 29, 2016

Becky and Diana encourage you to break out your inner 3 year old and begin asking yourself “Why?” 

  • When you stop being curious about your world, you drift.
  • Finding your Why requires you to ask a series of questions that help you peel back your layers to discover it.
  • Your Why provides you your essential motivation...

Aug 22, 2016

Becky and Diana give you strategies for finding your personal tribe and explain why you need one. 

  • Your personal tribe consists of the handful of people you get close to, and that help you grow. Your work tribe consists of the people at work who get you and support you. Your business tribe consists of those people you...

Aug 15, 2016

Becky and Diana challenge the idea that Unique Brilliance is just a gift. They believe it is a set of skills you can use to set you apart and stand out in a positive way. 

  • When you are Uniquely Brilliant you automatically have a stellar tool box.
  • Gifts are things you stick on a shelf, tools are things you use.
  • Your...

Aug 8, 2016

Becky and Diana talk about how to use every piece of your experience and knowledge to create your best life.


  • McGyvering your life means that you repurpose your experiences and skills in creative ways to create the life you want.
  • Build your life based on the pieces you already have.
  • Recognize that your skills...

Aug 1, 2016

Becky and Diana discuss the value of beginning again after a change in direction, setback, or pause.

  • After a setback or trauma it is important to take a pause to gain a new perspective.
  • Growth happens when we are in a state of rest.
  • Think like a Phoenix and rise from the ashes brighter and stronger.
  • What can you learn...